Green Future

Projekti "Green Future" ka për qëllim të rrisë ndërgjegjësimin mjedisor ndër të rinjtë në Bashkinë Kamëz duke kombinuar metoda novatore të edukimit joformal.

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Green Basement - Cultivating Sustainable Education

"Green Basement - Cultivating Sustainable Education" synon të instaurojë një kuptim të thellë dhe vlerësim për qëndrueshmërinë mjedisore ndër të rinjtë në zonat rurale të Fushë-Krujës.

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Unite Voices - Building Respectful Communities

"Unite Voices - Building Respectful Communities" është një iniciativë e organizatës LIBURNETIK që synon të adresojë shqetësimet në rritje për bullizmin, cyberbullizmin dhe çështjet e shëndetit mendor ndër fëmijët dhe të rinjtë në zonat rurale të Shperdhet, Fushë-Mamurras dhe Borizanë.

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Green Horizons - Seeding the Future

"Green Horizons - Seeding the Future" është një program dy-mujor që synon të angazhojë fëmijët dhe të rinjtë nga zonat rurale pranë Fushë-Krujës në edukimin mjedisor dhe aktivitetet e pyllëzimit.

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Akademia e Aktivizmit 2024

Ky projekt ka për qëllim rritjen e njohurive të të rinjve mbi aktivizmin si koncept, mbi mënyrat dhe strategjitë që duhen ndjekur për të pasur sa më shumë impakt dhe rezultat për kauzat e ndërmarra.

More about the project here

CritiXchange: Përforcimi i zërave të të rinjve për fuqizimin kulturor

Ky projekt synon të sigurojë një platformë për të rinjtë në Vlorë për të zhvilluar aftësitë e të menduarit kritik, për t'u përfshirë në debate konstruktive dhe për të nxitur shkëmbimin kulturor.

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Forumi Rinor Tematik Sarandë

Ky projekt synon të ketë një impakt lokal, gjithëpërfshirës dhe ndërveprues mes aktorëve të ndryshëm në shoqëri, duke nxjerrë në pah si përfitues të rinjtë e Bashkisë Sarandë, organet e pushtetit vendor dhe përfaqësuesit e tyre dhe Komunitetin.

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Forumi Rinor Tematik Kamëz | Edicioni II

Projekti "Në Duar të Sigurta" në edicionin II synon fuqizimin e Forumit Tematik Kamëz, duke vënë në fokus të rinjtë e forumit të konsoliduar dhe angazhimin e tyre në mbarëvajtjen e aktiviteteve dhe zbatimin e iniciativave të reja duke përfshirë të rinjtë të tjerë që duan të kontribuojnë në komunitet.

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Re-Debate VII, Kampionati Kombëtar i Debatit

“Re-Debate 5.0 – The Revitalization of Debate Culture” continues to be a necessity for young people, as although the communication tools are numerous and diverse nowadays in Albania. There is still a lack of space for debate by citizens to citizens and their problems.

More about the project here

The Academy of Activism

Ky projekt ka për qëllim rritjen e njohurive të të rinjve mbi aktivizmin si koncept, mbi mënyrat dhe strategjitë që duhen ndjekur për të pasur sa më shumë impakt dhe rezultat për kauzat e ndërmarra..

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Cyberbullying & Edukimi në Mediat Sociale

Qëllimi i këtij projekti është të eksplorojë ndethurjet midis studimeve sociale, mediave sociale, edukimit të personazheve dhe bullizmit kibernetik në mjedisin e shkollave.

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Forumi Tematik Rinor Kamëz | Edicioni I

Ky projekt synon të ketë një impakt lokal, gjithëpërfshirës dhe ndërveprues mes aktorëve të ndryshëm në shoqëri, duke nxjerrë në pah si përfitues të rinjtë e Bashkisë Kamëz, organet e pushtetit vendor dhe përfaqësuesit e tyre dhe Komunitetin.

More about the project here

Re-Debate VI, Kampionati Kombëtar i Debatit

“Re-Debate 5.0 – The Revitalization of Debate Culture” continues to be a necessity for young people, as although the communication tools are numerous and diverse nowadays in Albania. There is still a lack of space for debate by citizens to citizens and their problems.

More about the project here

Rritja e Informimit të të Rinjve mbi Bashkimin Evropian dhe mundësitë që ofrohen nga financimet e BE-së

Projekti ka qëllim të rrisë kapacitetet e të rinjve dhe strukturave rinore si: këshilla rinore, grupe informale dhe organizata rinore për të përfituar efektivisht nga mundësitë e financimit të BE-së dhe përfshijen e tyre në dialogun e procesit të integrimit evropain.

More about the project here

Access to Internet, an emerging Human Right in the area of digitalization

This project focuses on Internet access as a developing Human Right, in the area of digitalization and it is supported by the European Youth Foundation, a foundation created specifically for young people and youth organizations in Council of Europe members states.

More about the project here

Cyberbullizmi në mediat sociale

Qëllimi i këtij programi ishte të zhvillonte aktivitete informuese dhe ndërgjegjësuese me fëmijët, por në prezencë të mësuesve dhe disa herë edhe prindërve, me qëllim që fenomeni i cyber-bullizmit të identifikohej, kuptohej dhe parandalohej në format më efektive.

More about the project here

Në duar të sigurta

Projekti “Në duar të sigurta” kërkon të adresojë mungesën e nxitjes së të rinjve për pjesëmarrje në politikbërjen lokale përmes promovimit të qytetarisë aktive të mbështetur në parimet e kulturës së debatit dhe dialogut të strukturuar.

More about the project here

Re-Debate Edicioni V

“Re-Debate 5.0 – The Revitalization of Debate Culture” continues to be a necessity for young people, as although the communication tools are numerous and diverse nowadays in Albania. There is still a lack of space for debate by citizens to citizens and their problems.

More about the project here

Tirana Art Fest 7

Misioni i këtij projekti është edukimi artistik dhe kontributi në promovimin e talenteve të reja dhe performancave të ndryshme artistike. Pas suksesit dhe impaktit të lartë që pati gjashtë vitet e kaluara, Tirana Art Fest synon të ri sjell gjallërimin e jetës kulturore-artistike rinore.

More about the project here

Re-Debate 5.1 - Rigjallërimi i Kulturës së Ndërveprimit dhe Aktivizmit

“Re-Debate 5.0 – The Revitalization of Debate Culture” continues to be a necessity for young people, as although the communication tools are numerous and diverse nowadays in Albania. There is still a lack of space for debate by citizens to citizens and their problems.

More about the project here

Intercultural mediation and its role during the social integration process

The project’s main purpose is preparing the mindset in order to manage in different levels migration flows, whether they are refugees or returnees.

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SAY – Strengthen Activism in Youth field

The project “Strengthen activism in youth field” is the newest project that LIBURNETIK Organization is developing. The project is organizing in close cooperation with the local government in Albania.

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YOUth 4 Working Condition Rights

According to INSTAT, more than 90% of seasonal work is undisclosed, which is actually really worrying. In the absence of a binding scheme towards these subjects, for them to declare youth jobs, then the best way to face this phenomenon and to try to minimize that as much as possible, is youth ...

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Youth, critical thinking and debating culture

The project aims to promote debating culture in Albania for the youth of Impact groups, youth interactions and activation in a local level with a focus in their and their community’s commitment for improving education politics, as well as other sectors that lead in a better development for their country.

More about the project here

Summer School “English for us”

LIBURNETIK in cooperation with ANTEA Cement sh.a has developed for the first time “English for us” project in Thumana villages.

More about the project here

Summer School “Computer literacy”

LIBURNETIK in cooperation with ANTEA Cement sh.a has developed for the third year “Computer literacy” project in Thumana villages as a summer school. The third edition has included three villages and about forty youngsters from that area. The project took place on Thuamana’s and Fushë Mamurras’ schools.

More about the project here

Re-Debate 5.0

“Re-Debate 5.0 – The Revitalization of Debate Culture” continues to be a necessity for young people, as although the communication tools are numerous and diverse nowadays in Albania. There is still a lack of space for debate by citizens to citizens and their problems.

More about the project here

YOUTH, Change Agent - Gender equality and European integration values

The aim of the project is to promote gender equality, reduce stereotypes and gender discrimination in young people working with young people, using creative and interactive non-formal education methods with a contemporary approach and conduct a research on youth perception on gender equality.

More about the project here

My compass

‘My compass’ project was born and realized thanks to the support and collaboration with World Vision Organization. Was built as a summer school which had training features through implementing informal education methodology.

More about the project here

The Academy of Activism

Friedrich Ebert Foundation in collaboration with LIBURNETIK Organization, on the frame of ‘On Going Development of Youth’, have implement their newest project, Politic Activism of Youth, know as ‘Academy of Activism’.

More about the project here

Info Tour Against Corruption

The project ‘TAC – Twinning Against Corruption’ it’s a twinning project implemented by Ministerial of Justice in collaboration with Austrian Development Agency, supported by European Union.

More about the project here

Library, Art and the Youth - BAR

LIBURNETIK Organization together with Tirana Municipality are performing a series of activities in the public Library at no. 2 administrative unit.

More about the project here

Re-Debate 4.1

Even though the means of communication nowadays are plenty and diverse, in Albanian is noticed the lack of debate spaces for citizens, from citizens and their problems.

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RIEU - Youth European

The main purpose of RIEU project will be getting closer to opportunities that European Union offers for youth, by promoting the principles of democracy, active citizenship participation, volunteering and engaging capacities on civil society organizations.

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The Reflecting Surface of the Children

LIBURNETIK Organization, in collaboration with ‘’Save the Life’’ Association and the support of ‘’World Vision’’, bring the project ‘’The Reflecting Surface of the Children’’

More about the project here

Learning the Computer | Edition II

This program is being held for the second consecutive year, including more villages and more young people from the municipality of Thumana.

More about the project here

With the eyes of young people...

The process of democratization in Albania has been and continues to have many different gaps and obstacles, reflected by political stalemate and by atypical transition.

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The world of sounds

‘’The World of Sounds’’ project had in its core the art and the help that art can give to children with special needs.

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The Voice of Debate

Today, more than ever, the community is understanding and is aware of the importance of youth involvement in co-ordination-related issues related to decision-making and how important it is to activate youth in this regard.

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Re-Debate 4.0

Even though the means of communication nowadays are plenty and diverse, in Albanian is noticed the lack of debate spaces for citizens, from citizens and their problems.

More about the project here

DIASPORA 2.0 | Edition II

Social integration, together development and raise capacities of youth. LIBURNETIK Organization, after a high interest through the first edition of DIASPORTA 2.0 and the tendency raising more and more of leaving Albania from the youth, thanks to the support of AMSHC, decided to implement another edition of it, with the purpose on youth awareness.

More about the project here


Over the last few years there has been a steady decline in the number of new voters. This phenomenon, according to the Statistics Institute’s data, continues to grow from many factors.

More about the project here

Fight Corruption and Have Fun

The “Fight Corruption and Have Fun” project can be considered as a project-campaign between organizing and implementing some field activities and an ironic approach to the relationship between the values ​​of a healthy society and corruption in the current Albanian context and reality.

More about the project here

Learning the Computer | Edition I

Summer School “Learning the Computer” was the next project implemented by LIBURNETIK Organization in partnership with the PVN Albania Organization.

More about the project here

Tirana Art Fest - First Edition

For the first time, LIBURNETIK Organization and the Municipality of Tirana, through the Youth Directorate, organize the TAF project "Tirana Art Fest" in 14 public gymnasiums in Tirana.

More about the project here

Love through Colors

“Love through Colors” is a volunteer service of LIBURNETIK Organization at the “Ramazan Kabashi” Institute.

More about the project here

The reconstruction and rehabilitation of children’s cultural center in Librazhd

This project is predicted to have a wide impact and immediate for children and youth of Librazhd, because is consist on a deep intervenient in infrastructure of this center and also for the fact that this is the only city center dedicated only and exclusively to children and youth.

More about the project here

DIASPORA 2.0 | Edition I

Albania is one of the few countries in the world that almost one-third of the population has immigration.

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Shqipëria Neser

The platform Albania Domani - Professionals for co-development is a network that brings together professionals, students, representatives of associations and other strategic actors operating in Italy and in the country of origin and want to network their skills.

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