We are LiburnEtik
Our vision
Social integration
Creating an open society, without barriers
Based on solidarity and peaceful coexistence
LIBURNETIK Organization was born as an informal group in 2013 and officially was funded in Tiranë at July 2014.
LIBURNETIK is a non-profit organization created by the will of a group of young people with the aim of raising awareness, promoting and developing the Albanian society, for the betterment of social life, by assessing the needs of the territory and implementing innovative ideas, projects and actions.
LIBURNETIK Organization is a branch of an Italian organization, ASAL Student, with the center in Lecce, Italy.
LIBURNETIK is a non-profit organization created by the will of a group of young people with the aim of raising awareness, promoting and developing the albanian society, for the betterment of social life, by assessing the needs of the territory and implementing innovative ideas, projects and actions.
News & Events
Në një kontekst historik kaq të paqartë, në kushtet e krizave të njëpasnjëshme në vend dhe në rajon, nën emëruesin e përbashkët të përballjes së një pandemie globale dhe sigurisht në vijimësi të zhvillimeve të procesit të integrimit evropian dhe të dekadës së re që kemi hyrë tashmë, shihet me prioritet përfshirja e të rinjve, zhvillimi i mendimit kritik me në fokus debatin rreth modelit social dhe ekonomik të vendit duke siguruar kështu ndërtimin e një modeli gjithëpërfshirës.
YOUth 4 Working Condition Rights
According to INSTAT, more than 90% of seasonal work is undisclosed, which is actually really worrying. In the absence of a binding scheme towards these subjects, for them to declare youth jobs, then the best way to face this phenomenon and to try to minimize that as much as possible, is youth ...
More about the project hereYouth, critical thinking and debating culture
The project aims to promote debating culture in Albania for the youth of Impact groups, youth interactions and activation in a local level with a focus in their and their community’s commitment for improving education politics, as well as other sectors that lead in a better development for their country.
More about the project hereYOUTH, Change Agent - Gender equality and European integration values
The aim of the project is to promote gender equality, reduce stereotypes and gender discrimination in young people working with young people, using creative and interactive non-formal education methods with a contemporary approach and conduct a research on youth perception on gender equality.
More about the project hereThe project "TAF - Tirana Art Fest" aims to enliven the cultural-artistic life, encourage, promote new talents and encourage young creators of high schools. This project also helps promote socio-cultural diversity, education and entertainment of young people to contribute to the fight against all negative social phenomena