Climbers for a day
December 8, 2019
‘Mendimi kritik’ investim më i ri në përmirësimin e njohurive të nxënësve të shkollave 9-vjeçare
February 12, 2020

LIBURNETIK Organization shares a news with Albanian youth and to all those that used to be and still are participants of our organization’s activities, the creation of LIBURNETIK Elbasan, another step toward the objective of including young people as much as possible in national level and creating strategic seedlings all over the country to fulfill this objective. Being as close as possible to the youth even locally makes us enthusiastic, and alsowill get our attention and lead us to think that the thing that we heard about youth being “apathetic” it is only a concept of that part of society that does not want an active and responsible youth. LIBURNETIK Elbasan is part of LIBURNETIK and will function as an informal group that can address from closely the problems of Elbasan’s young people and will undertake different initiatives through using the experience of LIBURNETIK staff.

But who are the youngsters that will directly be engaged in this group? I present to you: Erka Tana, Sabaeta Zeneli, Melisa Koduzi, Nensi Çela, Kejsi Cakani, Fabiana Proi, Klised Rungo, Ersi Muça, high schools students that will become the voice of the youth citizens. They will become catalyst for the youth of the city, for being part of the change by contributing on the development active citizenship of today and tomorrow through different initiatives.


The enthusiastic feeling of the group is huge and together with their work is the base that will bring together young people’s potential to became good activists based on available opportunities and spaces, in order for them to be catalysts of positive change in their community.

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